There could be a number of reasons why you may consider medication management therapy for your psychiatric condition. Patients often visit us after taking multiple medications without any relief and seek a more effective solution. Some adults have never considered taking medication for their symptoms and don’t know where to begin. No matter your situation, at TeleMed2U, we provide a warm, empathetic environment and work with each patient to find a treatment course suited to their individual needs.
What are medication management services?
There are a wide variety of mental health conditions that can be helped through medication management. Some of the most common conditions we provide medication management for at TeleMed2U include:
Why is medication management important?
Every patient is unique, and so is their response to medication. Discovering the right medication is just a part of the solution. Effective management of mental health illnesses is dependent on following proper dosages on intervals as provided by a medical professional. Avoiding your medication due to cost or trying to change your dosage without consultation can affect your treatment and place your physical and mental health at great risk. By properly managing your medication, you can contribute to:
What happens during a medication management appointment?
During an initial appointment, a psychiatrist or licensed medical professional will give you an assessment to review your medical history, lifestyle, and overview of symptoms. This will help determine whether or not medication is an appropriate option in treating your mental health condition. As a result of the assessment, a diagnosis is determined and a treatment plan is created for your particular needs. If medication is decided to be the best option, it will be prescribed for a trial period to observe its effectiveness.
Does your medication require analysis?
There are several reasons your current medication may need to be reviewed by a trained medical professional, which includes:
Does Medicare cover medication management?
There is a free Medication Therapy Management program available for individuals covered by a Medicare drug plan. To determine if you are eligible for this program, you must contact those in charge of your plan. If you are eligible, you will be able to speak with your doctor about:
Can I combine medication management with psychotherapy?
Studies have shown that combining psychotherapy with medication can provide the most effective outcome for patients. Therefore, professionals often combine these two treatments when it proves beneficial. Although this treatment technique may not be optimal for all mental illnesses, anxiety disorder, mood disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other phobias have shown vast improvement through combining medication management with psychotherapy. Scheduling an appointment with a trained psychiatrist can help you determine if both therapies are best for you.
What are the five rights of medication administration?
In an effort to reduce inadvertent harm caused by medication, a series of rights have been established when it comes to medication management, which includes:
The responsibility of a mental health practitioner is to follow these courses of action as closely as possible. By adhering to these guidelines, errors in medication administration can be minimized, preventing any unnecessary harm to patients.